Every country has it's way to reserve their folks music. The way the Pinoy is different from the way of Indonesian. Look at this album entitled YBANAG, a collection of original and traditional selections from the province of Cagayan. The songs were played and sung by the Ybanag Rondalla and choir conducted by Pun T. Liban. This album consists of 14 songs, notably Cagayan march and Cagayan (provincial anthem).
This album was produced by Governor Teresa J. Dupaya on 1970, and was part of their performance thru the Dance-Drama Ybanag at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Cagayan is a province of the Philippines in the Cagayan Valley region, and is located at northeastern corner of the Luzon island.
This album told us many things. First, that Pinoy folks have a deep tradition in composing music, since they have Cagayan march and provincial anthem. Wow. Second, their governor published a long playing album on early 1970, a such thing that never happened in Indonesia. May be because governors in the Philippines have their autonomy for self-reserving the traditions. While Indonesia politics in that time was under centralized government by Soeharto regime. But don't forget, that Indonesia government has his way to reserve folks music thru Lokananta, a recording industry owned by government. *
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