Thursday, 13 March 2008

Lenso Dance Song

This album is not too special, if there is no song entitled Mari Menari Lenso. Composed by Soetedjo, this song was interpretated by Tiga Dara Asmara, vocal group from Surabaya. Lenso is traditional dance from Minahasa North Sulawesi. According to, Lenso dance is a dance that being taken away from Maengket, where the dancers apply hand broom when they were dancing. Maengket is common name for dance traditional drama that used in some places in Minahasa.

Lenso dance reminds Indonesians to Sukarno, the first President of Indonesia, who promote this dance in early Indonesia history to encourage genuine Indonesia culture. Sukarno even contributed one song and put his signature on long playing cover entitled Mari Bersuka Ria dengan Irama Lenso (Irama, 1965).*

Artist: Tiga Dara Asmara
Album : No title
Band: Orkes Marjono
Composer: All songg composed by Soetedjo
Publisher: Remaco

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