Monday, 31 March 2008

Salanti and HOS Tjokroaminoto

Some reasons to buy this Salanti Bersaudara album is because it's song Pitik Tjilik, and it's Titi Qadarsih name, beside a mysterious name HA Tjokroamanito as one of it's composers. Who is HA Tjokroaminoto? Has he close ties with Haji Omar Said Tjokroaminoto (1882-1934), influential leader in early Indonesia history, who tutored young Soekarno who-then became the first Indonesia President?

If it is true, history told an ironic story about Salanti Bersaudara, because this group did not enjoy freedom of expression especially in music. As it was well-known, that Soekarno era banned such western-like-Beatles music, so that Salanti life under that repression. While HOS Tjokroaminoto is a founding-father who promoted freedom.

According to Budi Setiyono, a journalist who managed, Salanti group consists of Titi Qadarsih, Anny Cokro and Siti Salamah Koerniati (a.k.a. Sally Sardjan). This group grew up in the time of Bimbo, Tiga Dara Sitompul and Koes Plus. They launched the first long play album entitled Pitik Tjilik in 1965. It was likely that this group disbanded after they released the second album. By the way, Titi Qadarsih later became popular as a catwalk model and still active untill now. *

Friday, 28 March 2008

Pinoy Way to Reserve Folk Music

Every country has it's way to reserve their folks music. The way the Pinoy is different from the way of Indonesian. Look at this album entitled YBANAG, a collection of original and traditional selections from the province of Cagayan. The songs were played and sung by the Ybanag Rondalla and choir conducted by Pun T. Liban. This album consists of 14 songs, notably Cagayan march and Cagayan (provincial anthem).

This album was produced by Governor Teresa J. Dupaya on 1970, and was part of their performance thru the Dance-Drama Ybanag at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Cagayan is a province of the Philippines in the Cagayan Valley region, and is located at northeastern corner of the Luzon island.

This album told us many things. First, that Pinoy folks have a deep tradition in composing music, since they have Cagayan march and provincial anthem. Wow. Second, their governor published a long playing album on early 1970, a such thing that never happened in Indonesia. May be because governors in the Philippines have their autonomy for self-reserving the traditions. While Indonesia politics in that time was under centralized government by Soeharto regime. But don't forget, that Indonesia government has his way to reserve folks music thru Lokananta, a recording industry owned by government. *

Thursday, 27 March 2008

From Spain to Chick Corea

Armando Anthony "Chick" Corea (born June 12, 1941) a.k.a. Chick Corea is a well-known jazz musician. I don't want to pretend to be his critic journalist. So let me talk about my experience with Chick Corea music. The first time I knew his name after watching a jazz concert in Gajah Mada University Yogyakarta on 1986. A local band played a song entitled Spain and I was amazed by that piece. From that experience, later I know that Chick Corea composed that piece.

After that, I try to enjoy his album, firstly from his best of Chick Corea. From Chick Corea music, I notice such likeable jazz despite it's sophisticated chord and skill. Until 1996, if I think about jazz, I just remember two names: Chick Corea and Al Di Meola. Meola is an other jazz musician I like so much, because of his likeable compositions.

Fortunately that when I lived in Metro Manila 1996, I got some jazz long playings including this album Leprechaun by Chick Corea (1976). According to Wikipedia, this album was recorded during Corea's time with his jazz fusion group Return to Forever. Though the album is more jazz oriented than anything Return to Forever had produced up to that time, the fusion edge still rings through quite clearly. *

Track list

1. Imp's Welcome
2. Lenore
4. Looking at the World (Lyrics: Neville Potter)
5. Nite Sprite
6. Soft and Gentle (Moran)
7. Pixiland Rag
8. Leprechaun's Dream Part 1
9.Leprechaun's Dream Part 2

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Never Give Up Mus Mujiono

Mus Mujiono (48) is a composer, musician and singer. As musician, this man from Surabaya is a multi-instrumentalist and very well-known as guitarist. His mouth can imitate the sounds of guitar while playing guitar. Exercised with this skill (scating), some people called Mus Mujiono as Indonesia George Benson (Read also Wikipedia Indonesia).

His career as artist began when he joined a pop band De Hands. After disbanded, Mus Mujiono goes his solo career, beside join some temporary band such as Jakarta Power Band, Funk Section (1995), Canizzaro (2004), and A-Dhu band (2008).

If we trace back to his old works with De Hands, like some songs from long playing album Hallo Sayang (Hello Darling), we see that Mus Mujiono always made progress from time to time. He moved from very pop music like Halo Sayang song to more progressive like Tanda-tandanya and jazzy like Arti Kehidupan. And this song Arti Kehidupan is likely his signature song. *

Friday, 21 March 2008

Batak's Lullaby

Some Batak people have a contribution to the development of Indonesia music from the very beginning. Batak is one of Indonesia's ethnics, and Sitompul is one of it's fam names. This album by Tiga Dara Sitompul entitled Riang is one of it's evidence. This trio vocalists consists of Rika, Nessy and Mona. A Composer P. Sitompul was supposed to have a close ties with this trio vocalist.

Some songs from this album such as Riang, Historia D'un Amor, and Tidurlah Bujung are likely to be appreciated. The arrangement for vocal by this trio is undeniable very superb. This is their strongness, beside it's likeable songs. Arrangement by prominent pianist Bubi Chen is an other magic. Tidurlah Bujung (Sleep my baby) is likely to be appreciated, because lullaby song is something important in daily life for every human in this global village. *


Artist : Tiga Dara Sitompul
Band : Bubi Chen
Album : Riang
Composers : P. Sitompul, Titik Puspa, Faried.
Producer : Irama
Liner note : Sjaiful Nawas


Dangdut-Arabian's A. Kadir

This album entitled Pengembara by various Indonesian singers is an other evidence that dangdut, one of Indonesia music genre derived from Melayu music, was influenced by traditional Arabian music. Some of singers in this album at least have Arabian blood. And if we pay attention to accent of singer especially A. Kadir, we will find that A. Kadir's accent is such rooted from tilawah (Quran reading tradition). But if we pay attention to to the lyric, we will know that dangdut from the very beginning mostly talking about poverty and God's pity. *


ALbum : Pengembara
Artists : A. Kadir, A. Rafiq, Ida Laila ect
Band : Orkes Melaju Sinar Kemala, under direction A. Kadir
Arrangers : A. Kadir, Soejanto, Malik BZ, Fauzi, and so on.
Producer : J&B Record
Liner note: Charishadi Pranjoto

Track list
Side one:
1. Pengembara (Fauzi) -- A. Kadir
2. Keluh si Miskin (A. Kadir) -- Ida Laila
3. Djauh Berbeda (S. Achmadi) -- A. Kadir
4. Kekuasaan Tuhan (S. Achmadi) --Ida Laila

Side two:
1. Kisah yang Sedih (A. Rafiq) -- A. Rafiq
2. Peristiwa yang Silam (S. AChmad) -- Nur Kumala
3. Hidup Baru (A. Kadir) -- A. Kadir
4. Keadilan Tuhan (A. Malik BZ) -- Nur Kumala

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

A March for Indonesia General Election

This longplaying entitled Aneka 12 Volume 10 produced by Remaco recording is a compilation of songs by various Indonesia singers. One of them, a song entitle Mars Pemilu is very important to be noted. This march is about campaign for people to be engaged in national general election. As noted in cover album, this song was composed by Mochtar Embut.

Mochtar Embut is a composer from Ujung Pandang South Sulawesi Indonesia (1934-1973). Graduated from French literature departement Universitas Indonesia, Mochtar self-learned piano since his very young. In his 9 years old, Mochtar composed the first song Kupu-kupu, a chlidren song.

Along his career, Mochtar composed more than 100 songs. His most popular song is a song entitled Di Wajahmu Kulihat Bulan. He was awarded by The International Pop Song Festival in Japan 1971 for his song The Deepest Love from Jakarta. He wrote a book entitled Kumpulan Lagu Populer I featuring Indonesia folksongs to show the world that Indonesia has many qualified folksongs (reference:

Mochtar has influenced the next Indonesia musicians. Musician and composer Yockie Suryoprayogo (remember album Badai Pastai Berlalu) ever quoted as saying to the media that he learned composition and classical music from Mochtar. *

Monday, 17 March 2008

The Secret and Nightnoise

Reading a book entitled The Secret written by Rhonda Byrne (2006), we know that music is one of sources for what the so called positive energy. One composition which showed me that wisdom virtually is a composition by Night Noise entitled Snow on High Ground. This composition is very touching, very heartful, very spiritual, very magic. May be you can not imagine if you don't listen to this composition yet. Listening to the music is the only way to catch all the sweetness of music.

I say that this composition is very spiritual, because it made me moving from one level to an other level of psycho-maturity. I remember a spritualist Anthony de Mello ever said in his book that spirituality is about changing yourself to be wiser. Snow on High Ground from Nightnoise is such music that transformed such spirituality.

Nightnoise was a music ensemble from Ireland (1984-1997). Their original blend of celtic, jazz and classical chamber music inspired generation of Irish musicians. Their seven albums were mostly released by Windham Hill record. The song Snow on High Ground is from album At The End of the Evening (1988). Johnny Cunninghamm (violonist) and Micheal O Dohmnaill (guitarist and pianist) from this chamber died young (qouted partly from Wikipedia). May God bless them. *

Friday, 14 March 2008

Ellya Khadam's Signature Song

A singer Ellya Khadam has her unique position in Indonesia. Her contribution in history of what the so-called dangdut music is undeniable. Dangdut is Indonesia music which was derived from Melayu music in 1940-ies. In it's development, dangdut was influenced by traditional music from Arab (50-ies), and then India (60-ies), and then rock music (70-ies) especially from British supergroup Deep Purple. The name dangdut is such onomatope from tabla sounds "dang dang dut dut". (See also Wikipedia).

This single album entitled Boneka dari India consists of four songs. Boneka dari India is absolutely Ellya Khadam's signature song and as an evidence that Indian music really ever influenced toward Melayu music. According to Wikipedia, Boneka was composed by composer Husein Bawafie.

Ellya Khadam was born in Jakarta, 23 October 1938. Educated from an Islamic school (madrasah), Ellya later was known as a singer and actress. She played for 21 movies from Tjita-tjita Ajah (1959) to Gudang Uang (1978). As Melayu singer, since 1955, she recorded estimately 400 songs (Pusat Dokumentasi Seni oleh Perpustakaan Nasional RI and Sinematek Indonesia). *

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Lenso Dance Song

This album is not too special, if there is no song entitled Mari Menari Lenso. Composed by Soetedjo, this song was interpretated by Tiga Dara Asmara, vocal group from Surabaya. Lenso is traditional dance from Minahasa North Sulawesi. According to, Lenso dance is a dance that being taken away from Maengket, where the dancers apply hand broom when they were dancing. Maengket is common name for dance traditional drama that used in some places in Minahasa.

Lenso dance reminds Indonesians to Sukarno, the first President of Indonesia, who promote this dance in early Indonesia history to encourage genuine Indonesia culture. Sukarno even contributed one song and put his signature on long playing cover entitled Mari Bersuka Ria dengan Irama Lenso (Irama, 1965).*

Artist: Tiga Dara Asmara
Album : No title
Band: Orkes Marjono
Composer: All songg composed by Soetedjo
Publisher: Remaco

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Anti-Superpowers Song

For Indonesians, a singer, composer and actress Lilis Surjani (1948-2007) reminds them to the song Gang Kelintji. This album is with no title. It consists of qualified songs, if not to say her best hits. Although it features her signature Gang Kelintji, but personally I notice song entitled Pantun Djenaka. It reflects political landscape in early Indonesia history.

Read this lyric:

Kalau kita djalan ke Antjol
Hati-hati banjak hantunja
Selama Nekolim masih bertjokol
Rusak perdamaian dunia

According to Wikipedia, in the 1950's, Sukarno increased his ties to China and admitted more communists into his government. He also began to accept increasing amounts of Soviet bloc military aid. This aid, however, was surpassed by military aid from the Eisenhower Administration, which worried about a leftward drift should Sukarno rely too much on Soviet bloc aid. However, Sukarno increasingly attempted to forge a new alliance called the "New Emerging Forces", as a counter to the old superpowers, whom he accused of spreading "Neo-Colonialism, Colonialism and Imperialism" (NEKOLIM).

Along her career, Lilis has 27 solo albums, 3 duet albums, 3 compilation albums, and 4 movies (book Musisiku, KPMI,2007). She has emotional ties with former President Sukarno, as can be read from her several songs which supported Sukarno's pilitical agenda, such as agenda against what the so called the Superpowers, or anti-Malaysia agenda. *

Monday, 10 March 2008

Bung Karno Djaja Song

Bung Karno (1901-1970) was the first President of Indonesia. As a President from 1945 to 1967, Sukarno -- it is his real name -- has personal gimmick: charming face, great orator, and charismatic. This album by singer Onny Surjono is special, because one of it's song entitled Bung Karno Djaja. This album is supposed to be released on the beginning of 1960. I don't know how many singers sing with Bung Karno theme during his life time. But in this modern era (about 1979), we can listen to song by Kelompok Kampungan under direction Bram Makahekum who sang about Bung Karno with pride. *


Artist: Onny Surjono
Album: Siapa?
Band: Orkes Mus K. Wirya
Publisher: Remaco

Track list
Side one:
1. Burung Berkitjau
2. Perahu Mojang
3. Tak Kan Ingkar Djandji
4. Kisah di Perdjalanan

Side two:
1. Siapa
2. Achrinja
3. Surat Kedua
4. Bung Karno Djaja

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Julius Herrmann Marches for Europe

Don't listen to this album, if you have no desire to history. This is about march, a genre music which is not popular, although some classic music composers such as Richard Strauss and Richard Wagner composed some compositions for march.

This long playing is an album entitled Salute to Europe by The Duetschmeister Band under conductor Julius Herrmann (1889-1977). According to Encyclopedia of Austria, Julius Herrman from Vienna is a conductor and band leader. He played under W. Wacek with Hochmeister and Deutschmeister at the age of 21. After The World War I Julius took over the band and remained its leader for 65 years.

This album is unique, because it compiled 12 march songs from many Europe countries. I suppose that this compilation is a such business strategy in selling march songs, since it is not pop music. Thru compilation, it attracted listeners from over Europe. *

Album : Salute to Europe
Artist : The Deutschmeister Band, conducted by Julius Herrmann
Publisher: Westminster (Satellite Series) – a subsidiary of ABC Record, New York

Track list:
1.Hungarian march
2.Belgian march
3.Volga march
4.Oldstarhemberg march
5.Prince Eugene march
6.Steinreigler march
7.Subaltern march
8.Tiroler Adler
10. Austrian peasant march
11. Auersperg march
12. Archduke Frederick march

Friday, 7 March 2008

Poor Pop Rano Karno

Rano Karno (48 years old) is an actor, director, and singer. Rano also known as Si Doel, which is a fictional figure from his sequel movies and videos Si Doel Anak Betawi, Si Doel Anak Sekolahan (the firsts to the sixth) and ect. Rano later was elected as a deputy Bupati Tangerang (like Major) -- the first artist who achieved that political position in Indonesia history.

He begins his career since he was 9 years old when his father an actor Soekarno M. Noer engaged him in a movie Lewat Tengah Malam. Along his career, Rano has played for 70 movies even more, and 7 television videos. He got 6 awards notably Piala Citra as a best actor for movie Taksi (1991), and as best child actor in Asia Film Festival in Taiwan (1974) for movie Rio Anakku.

Rano also recorded several pop music albums. I have no detail data on this, but his most popular song is Kau yang Sangat Kusayang. But personally I like his song from sound track Di Manakah Kau Ibu (1973). Overall, his albums did not hit any succes, because his songs mostly have no cacthy melodies and are poor taste. Do you remember Obbie Messakh songs? Rano's song is like that poor-pop-Obbie Messakhist.

Actually, pop song like Obbie Messakhist also has a potential dig to be a qualified song, as far as there is talented arranger behind it. Look at what musician Erwin Gutawa did to Chrisye album Dekade (Musica, 2003). Erwin rearranged Obbie Messakh song Kisah Kasih di Sekolah so far and made it more shining. And don't forget, golden voice of Chrisye is an other magic. However, Rano' songs still have a potential dig to be rearranged, as Erwin Gutawa did it to Obbie Messakh stuff. *


Artist : Rano Karno
Album : Adakah Cinta Lagi
Arranger : Bartje Van Houten
Publisher: Purnama Record

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Composer Chaken M Dies

Indonesia composer Chaken M dies on 4 March 2008 in Cikini Hospital central Jakarta. In a press conference in the office of President Jakarta, President of Indonesia Republic Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono expressed his condolance. “Saya mengucapkan bela sungkawa. Saya mendapat berita saudara Chaken, salah satu seniman kita pencipta lagu Indonesia Jaya meninggal dunia hari ini. Kita kehilangan seorang seniman,” Yudhoyono said as quoted by He is likely impressed by Chaken song as he said: “Indonesia Jaya akan terjadi di negeri yang kita cintai ini.”

Chaken M (60 years old) is Indonesia pop song composer. He composed several songs for any singer, and sometime for competition. Song entitled Indonesia Jaya which was interpretated by a prominent singer Harvey Maleholo is the most popular among Chaken' compositions. But unfortunately, we don't have a detail data about his works. So far he stayed with his family in Bekasi, small town near Jakarta (Jalan Pontianak I nomor 132 perumahan Naga Mas, Jaka Mulya Bekasi).

When Mr. Yudhoyono launched his album Rinduku Padamu on October 2007, Chaken M came to that launching moment. Mr. Yudhoyono even gave him some supporting donation for his medication. Chaken suffered from stroke several years ago, and he has no such sufficient fund to get medication. Finally, Indonesia has a President who gives a deep concern to composer life. *

Note: One of Chaken M songs entitled Senja Merah was interpretated by a singer Tina Sanusi. Check it out from album 12 Bintang Idola Part Two (Malyda & Deddy Dhukun - "Aku Jadi Bingung") published by Harpa Record, 12, 1989.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Sam Saimun, The Mystery

The name Sam Saimun, keroncong singer in 60-ies for me is such mystery, until I get this album including his photograph on February 2008. The first time I know his name is from a cassette album which compiled Indonesian national anthems by old singers. They are Sam Saimun, Bram Atjeh, and so on.

Why Sam Saimun is such a mystery? Because we as 80-ies generation feel difficult to find his album. Also may be because his album is only a few, and is not produced anymore by record industry. What makes his name more mysterious is because legend singer Bing Slamet once upon time in a book Musisiku (2007) quoted as saying that Sam Saimun is his teacher in learning to sing keroncong. Wow? Even Bing Slamet recognized him that so high? Come on, who is Sam Saimun? This album at least can show you his talented voice. *

Monday, 3 March 2008

The Headliners, The Gift

The Headliners is a title for this compilation album by Columbia Record. This album has been pressed exclusively for Club Members, and the Club Fifth Anniversary Gift to music lovers. This superb limited edition recording was made as a thank giving for members of Columbia Record Club.

The Headliners consist of 12 songs by several leading singer and band under Columbia management from 1955 to 1960. Perhaps this generation now are at least 60 years old. This album is truly superb and special, because it's tracks are all hits. Although I especially give a special comment to four songs: Cavalry Command (Mitch Miller and The Gang), Every Body Loves Saturday Night (The Brothers Four), Sabre Dance (Andre Kostelanetz), and Begin the Beguine (Tony Bennett).

Cavalry Command is sounded like music for military march. Every Body Loves Saturday Night is a weekly theme song which actually must be more popular than Happy Birthday song. This song can be sung every saturday. Begin the Beguine is special because it was interpretated by legendary voice Tony Bennett.*

Eighties Zone and Lack of Perspective

One of Indonesia television channels METRO TV last night, 2 March 2008, aired the first debut of Zona 80, musical programme featuring music and it's musicians who are popular in 1980-ies. The artists last night: Dedy Dukun, Ikang Fauzie, Iis Sugianto, Sys NS, ect.

As a concept for musical programme in television, it is likely to be appreciated. Since almost all television channels these days feature monotonous music such pop-music-like-Kangenist. With featuring music from 1980-ies which was marked by what the so called progressive pop, Metro TV has made a right choice. Because METRO TV as television channel actually has a segmented viewers, they are 40 years old people and more.

But unfortunately this programme is lack of perspective. This programme is only featuring something entertaining for ears and eyes in it's verbal term. There is no such cultural or historical perspective. It's just playing old music by old singer but with new instrument and new musicians. That's all. Look, when Ikang Fauzie try to tell his history, the host cut off Ikang speech to an other topic.

Let me talk about Ikang. Actually, he has a big talent as a composer if we reffer to his song Cahaya Kencana, from album Lomba Cipta Lagu Remaja Prambors 1979. This album is a compilation from a competition for composing song which was held by a well-known radio station in Indonesia, Prambors. Cahaya Kencana is truly a well crafted progressive pop song. I mentioned it as progressive, because this song used "sophisticated" achords, comparing to Koes Plus song which usually used three key chords. But unfortunately that so far until now Ikang did not compose a song better than Cahaya Kencana. What happen to you Mr. Ikang "Marissa Haque" Fauzie?*