Some reasons to buy this Salanti Bersaudara album is because it's song Pitik Tjilik, and it's Titi Qadarsih name, beside a mysterious name HA Tjokroamanito as one of it's composers. Who is HA Tjokroaminoto? Has he close ties with Haji Omar Said Tjokroaminoto (1882-1934), influential leader in early Indonesia history, who tutored young Soekarno who-then became the first Indonesia President?
If it is true, history told an ironic story about Salanti Bersaudara, because this group did not enjoy freedom of expression especially in music. As it was well-known, that Soekarno era banned such western-like-Beatles music, so that Salanti life under that repression. While HOS Tjokroaminoto is a founding-father who promoted freedom.
According to Budi Setiyono, a journalist who managed budisetiyono.blogspot.com, Salanti group consists of Titi Qadarsih, Anny Cokro and Siti Salamah Koerniati (a.k.a. Sally Sardjan). This group grew up in the time of Bimbo, Tiga Dara Sitompul and Koes Plus. They launched the first long play album entitled Pitik Tjilik in 1965. It was likely that this group disbanded after they released the second album. By the way, Titi Qadarsih later became popular as a catwalk model and still active untill now. *