Making keroncong song popular is not easy. It needs an extra effort. May be this album is such effort to make keroncong music popular by using pop singer May Sumarna and Sandra Singer. Especially May Sumarna who has mild voice and timbre, comparing to Bing Slamet who has baritone timbre.
An other experiment toward keroncong music was ever done by Djaduk G. Verianto, an avant garde composer from Yogyakarta. With his friends like Bobiet, he released a keroncong album entitled Musik KATeBE - Model - Ngetrend - which was experimental one (Gema Nada Pertiwi, 1995). They featured popular theme in writing lyric, and arranged the music eclectically -- keroncong mixed by rap, blues, and so on. But so far, this album failed to get it's popularity. Though this album is very recommended to be collected. *
Track list
Artist : Diselina, May Sumarna, Sandra Singer ect
Album : Diselina
Band : Diselina band under direction Ismet Januar
Producer : Mesra records
Side one
1. Bunga Mawar (nn) -- Sandra Singer
2. Malam Sunji (May SUmarna) -- MAy Sumarna
3. Di Suatu Sendja (Sandra Singer) -- May Sumarna
4. Stambul Djakarta (nn) -- May Sumarna
Side two
1. Lagu Untukmu (May SUmarna) --- May Sumarna
2. O Minahasa (Sandra SInger) -- Sandra Singer
3. Kerontjong Kemajoran (nn) --- Ismet
4. Pergi Ke Desa (sandra S) --- Sandra S
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