English note: In 60-ies, among Indonesian musicians composed the songs for children but with adult taste. This approach makes the songs sounded ridicolous, but that was a success story in Indonesia. This approach makes children songs were enjoyable by adult. This album from Lanny Sisters entitled Bertamasja is a mere example. *
Artist : Lanny Sisters
Album : Bertamasja
Band : Band Zaenal Combo
Producer: Canary and Metropolitan Record, no date
Track list:
1. Binatang Malu-malu (Zakarya)
2. Di Tep SUngai (Jessy Wenas)
3. Bertamasja (Jessy Wenas)
4. Pagi-pagi (Ibu SUd and Nj. R. Soetisno)
5. Hudjan (idem)
6. Kupu-kupu (idem)
7. Komidi Puter (Mus. K. Wirya)
8. AKu Ini Bebas (Tom RS/Tati)
9. Si Lengser (Zainal Arifin)
10. Main Ular-ularan (Ibu SUd and Nj. R. Soetisno)
11. Kue Serabi (Zakarya)
12. Ibu Jang Tertjinta (G. Pakaja)
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