Indonesia singer Bangun Sugito Toekiman (61 years old), a.k.a. Gito Rollies dies in Jakarta on 28 February 2008. Gito is also known as song writer, musician, actor and Islamic preacher (mubalig). His career music began with a band The Rollies, a such rock n roll group from Bandung, west Java. After leaving a part from his band in 1986, Gito goes his solo career. Beside his music business, Gito played in 11 movies and awarded Piala Citra from the movie Janji Joni (2005). The Rollies released 18 albums, Gito him self released 9 albums, and he contributed for 16 albums in various projects. One of the key songs: Sederhana Tapi Nyata (album 9 Lagu Terbaik Festival Lagu Pop 1980).
As a singer who then devoted him self for religious preaching, we remember to London pop singer Cat Stevens, who then well known as Yusuf Islam. Gito Rollies should be happy, because he has succesful life as musician and as public figure. He has made a happy ending for his life. Before he dies, Gito made a trip to Sumatera for preaching Islam. It's why some burrial-goers are people using Islamic dress. May God forgive your sins and accept yours kindness, Mr. Gito. *