Friday, 29 February 2008

Indonesia "Cat Stevens" Dies

Indonesia singer Bangun Sugito Toekiman (61 years old), a.k.a. Gito Rollies dies in Jakarta on 28 February 2008. Gito is also known as song writer, musician, actor and Islamic preacher (mubalig). His career music began with a band The Rollies, a such rock n roll group from Bandung, west Java. After leaving a part from his band in 1986, Gito goes his solo career. Beside his music business, Gito played in 11 movies and awarded Piala Citra from the movie Janji Joni (2005). The Rollies released 18 albums, Gito him self released 9 albums, and he contributed for 16 albums in various projects. One of the key songs: Sederhana Tapi Nyata (album 9 Lagu Terbaik Festival Lagu Pop 1980).

As a singer who then devoted him self for religious preaching, we remember to London pop singer Cat Stevens, who then well known as Yusuf Islam. Gito Rollies should be happy, because he has succesful life as musician and as public figure. He has made a happy ending for his life. Before he dies, Gito made a trip to Sumatera for preaching Islam. It's why some burrial-goers are people using Islamic dress. May God forgive your sins and accept yours kindness, Mr. Gito. *

Sunday, 24 February 2008

The Polka King is Here

The music in this album is like polka music by The Six Fat Dutchmen, but without a big drums. It's like classic polka. Telling about this album, it's better for me to quote some notes from the album cover.

Herry Harden, often called "The Polka King" by music critics as well as by legions of dancing fans, come naturally by his feeling for the polka. He was born in Czechoslovakia, where the polka is looked upon almost as the national dance. Prior to coming to US some years ago, Herry had made over two thousands phonograph records with his orchestra in Europe, where he obtained his degree in music.

Harden's acceptance in US has been complete as it was in Europe, where he made many tours and won many awards for polka music. He is an extremly prolific Decca recording artist; has appeared on such nationally radio programs. As composer, Harden has to his credit over 400 original compositions. He has served as music consultant on many occasions for music publishers, radio producers, recording companies, and others.

In addition to photography, Harden's hobbies include driving his car for hours and hours in the country. "The rythm of motor," claims Herry, "is a perfect and often inspiration for composing polka music. Believe it or not, a great many of my compositions were conceived and some time even jotted down when I was leisurely guiding a car throuhg a sunny afternoon." *

Polka, Czech and Ponorogo

When I enjoy this album Old Fashioned Dance Party by The Six Fat Dutchmen, my memory flashes back to my high school in 1980-ies. As a student (santri) in Islamic Boarding School in Gontor Ponorogo East Java, the masters usually celebrate the first annual education with such welcoming ritual. In one session, there is always a performance by a traditional band with four to six musicians playing a big drum, alto sax, and so on. Let me call it Gontor traditional music. As a young student who is familiar with pop music like Chrisye, Bimbo and Koes Plus, really I don't like such music like Tanjidor (Jakarta). Because it is too old music.

This album by The Six Fat Dutchmen is like Gontor traditional music, or Tanjidor in Jakarta. This album is about polka music or waltz. Wikipedia said that Polka is a fast, lively Central European dance, and also a genre of dance music. It originated in the middle of the 19th century in Bohemia, and is still a common genre of Czech and Slovakian folk music; it is common both in Europe and in the Americas.

The question is why this such music from Europe came to Gontor Ponorogo east Java? When it came? Who brought it there? And many questions left which must be answered by historians and music lovers? Can any one of you give me the answer? *

Friday, 22 February 2008

Chinesse Musician Plays Keroncong

Some time keroncong music is identified as Javanesse music (including Betawi). But what will you say if there is a keroncong orchestra conducted by Chinesse name. Look at this album which features Orkes Krontjong Irama Baru, under direction Thung Boen Liong. This is Chinesse name, although I am not yet sure that musician Thung Boen Liong is Chinesse.

This album is truly artefact that show to us that some Chinesse individuals have their contribution in developing Indonesian music. Who is Thung Boen Liong? I think I have to ask Mr. Gesang, the living legend as keroncong composer, since his song Bengawan Solo interpretated in this album. Is this the first version of Bengawan Solo song?.*


Artist: Roldiah, Sulastri, Abdullah Sidjaja
Album: Puspa Ragam
Band: Orkes Krontjong Irama Baru, under direction Thung Boen Liong
Publisher: PUTRI, no date.

Track list
Side one:
1. Krontjong Kemajoran (n.n.)
2. Mangle (Mang Koko)
3. Bintang Surabaja (n.n.)

Side two:
1. Bengawan Solo (Gesang)
2. Kembang Katjang/Stambul Dua

Waldjinah Signature

Waldjinah is a living legend as a traditional Javanesse singer. She is a leading artist in tembang Jawa genre (including keroncong) and a prolific one in releasing albums -- long playing, cassete and cd. This album entitled Walang Kekek is one of the important albums. Walang Kekek is a traditional song composed by un-recognized name. This song is popularized by Waldjinah, and that's why this song is usually identified as her signature.

Listening to this album, let me to note this album is very classical and well orchrestated. But if you don't have a passion to tembang Jawa as if you don't have passion to classical music, you will be boring soon. Imagine that almost songs running with slow tempo and no such progress or suspense. Comparing to pop, tembang Jawa has longer duration. One song needs 4 to 6 minutes.

For me, to enjoy tembang Jawa better to serve our self without any intention. It's like to hear ambient music. Just play the music, and you need no to fully pay ettention to the music. You can enjoy the music, while reading a book, or surfing on the computer. Although tembang Jawa is a very local music, but Waldjinah is famous not only in Indonesia. She ever made musical tour to Suriname, Netherlands, and Japan, *


Artist: Waldjinah
Album: Walang Kekek
Band: Orkes Kerontjong Bintang Surakarta
Publisher: Elshinta, no date

Track list
Side one:
1. Jen ing Tawang (Andjar Ari)
2. Walang Kekek (n.n.)
3. Tjengkir Wungu (Sutjipto)

Side two:
1. Nemahi (Gesang)
2. Nawala (Gesang)
3. Rahaju (Gesang)
4. Lara Mendut (Munadi)

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Ahmad Vad'aq, The Humble Composer

Ahmad Vad'aq is one of Indonesia composers who was recognized in 70-ies as gambus musician. He made several gambus albums, like Munajah (long play suquels from the first to the third). He recorded also cassette album for Lokananta, Surakarta, recording industry which is owned by government. Vad'aq also ever composed song for singer Rhoma Irama, the so called Raja Dangdut.

I have ever talked with Ahmad Vad'aq in 1999 thru telephone, intending for long interview for weekly magazine. But I can not finish thay my intention until now. Forgive me Mr. Vad'aq for my laziness. And now I remember Mr Vad'aq again after I get one of his long playing entitled Munadjah 3. Thank God that finally I can hear, taste and enjoy the composition of a very humble gambus composer Mr. Vad'aq.

Truly his compositions are closed to Egypt musical standard as we can hear from biggest diva in the history Ummi Qulstum songs. His compositions are classical in arrangement, rhythm and lyrics. His lyrics are mostly for religious purpose. I can't imagine, how Mr. Vad'ad learn that such foreign music until he can be a master in this Egypt music.

In 1997, Suara Pembaruan wrote that Gus Dur (before he became a President) invited Mr. Vad'aq to perform one song with his El Badr Orchestra. It means that Gus Dur, the man who has a deep appreciation in music – such as Beethoven composition, give a special appreciation for Mr. Vad'aq. May God bless you, Mr. Vad'q. Allah yarham. *

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

A Prayer for Fariz RM

Fariz Rustam Munaf, also known as Fariz FM, is one of biggest composers in Indonesia music map. As composer, he is a prolific one. He has 18 solo albums, and 51 collaborated albums, and still produces album until now. Naming Fariz, we remember A.R. Rahman, a young composer from India who can produce three albums in one year.

But this days, Fariz gets a problem with a drug case and the court is still on going. I do not have any personal tie with Fariz. But as appreciator for his music, I just hope that Fariz can get his justice, a real justice, as soon as possible. A real justice means that may the judge consider his big contribution in music industry, comparing it's benefit and it's danger.

Listen what he said to Kompas newspaper this week: “Tak ada bukti yang memperkuat penangkapan saya. Ini bukan lagi sekedar masalah narkoba, tapi bagi saya ini sudah menghancurkan hidup saya," Fariz said. And when the judge postponed his court, Fariz said: "Sungguh (penundaan pembacaan tuntutan-red) telah bermain-main dengan hidup orang. Saya ini kepala keluarga. Martabat yang saya bangun sekarang sudah hilang. Pekerjaan satu-satunya yang saya miliki juga hilang. Saya merasa benar-benar telah dirampas kemerdekaaan sebagai warga negara Indonesia".

May God open his heart, judge heart. *

Thriller, The Phenomenon

Michael Jackson is an other phenomenon in music industry. When I was 20-ies and only like experimental music (such as Red Buddha Theatre, Flairk, Popol Vuh), I did not like pop-music-like-Michael Jackson. But after watching movie entitled Moon Walker, I become admirer for Michael Jackson, especially for his dancing-like-moon-walking. Later, I can appreciate his pop music after hearing his song Little Suzie.

In my collections, I have a long playing by Michael Jackson entitled Thriller. I bought this album in Makati City Manila 1996. I realized later that this album is one of his valuable album. Wikipedia noted that Thriller was a gigantic hit that made Jackson the seminal icon of American culture at the time. Quoting Wikipedia, Jackson released a special 25th anniversary edition of Thriller, Thriller 25 in 2008, featuring a music video DVD and bonus remixes by contemporary artists such as and Kanye West.*

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Lullaby from Violinist Idris Sardi

Idris Sardi is the best violinist ever had by Indonesia. He has several albums and one of them was noted as one of 150 Best Indonesia Album by Rolling Stones (Indonesia) magazine on December 2007. This album entitled Nina Bobo is interpretated by singer Lies Embarsary and arranger Zainal Arifin with his band Zainal Combo. Nina Bobo is Indonesian lullaby. The very young Idris Sardi played as guest musician. If you notice personal skill of Idris Sardi, you will soon recognize his presence after hearing this album a few second. *

Album : Nina Bobo
Artist : Lies Embarsari
Band : Zainal Combo, under direction Zainal Arifin
Guest musician: Idris Sardi (violin)
Publisher : Remaco, no date
Liner note : Rachman A

Track list
1. Nina Bobo
2. Ole-ole Bandung
3. Burung Kaka Tua
4. Sepasang Mata Bola
5. Waktu Hujan Sore-sore
6. O Ina Nikeke
7. Auto A.P.D.
8. Tandjung Tjina

A Go Go Pattie Sisters

Why duo vocalists Pattie Bersaudara (Pattie Sisters) used A Go Go, such kind of dance as a title album? I supposed that in that time (1960-ies), A Go Go is a kind of foreign dance which is getting very popular among local folks. Although actually the strongest song to become a hit one is Tjinta Pertama (First Love).

Putting a popular idiom for album title is such smart trick to get wider listeners, but it is not always success. Look at what a comedian Tukul Arwana did for his music album. He put his personal gimmick idioms like Kembali ke Laptop, Tak Sobek-sobek and so on. But it does not help a better success for selling his album. A success of selling a music album is really depend on the quality of song, not on popularity of other things. *

Track list
Side one:
1. Kuda Puithku (Harry S)
2. Bloemen Voor Moeder (n.n.)
3. Bila teringat Padamu (Harry S)
4. Pergi ke Bulan (A Rijanto)

Side two:
1. Tjinta Pertama (Harlan)
2. Bala (n.n.)
3. Hari Bergembira (Harry S)
4. Tampak Siring (Wedhasmara)

Album: A Go Go (Tjinta Pertama)
Artist: Pattie Bersaudara
Band: Pantja Nada, under direction Enteng Tanamal
Producer: Remaco
Cover design: Sjam, Ferry Iroth

The Best of George Harrison

I don't remember where I found this album -- The Best of George Harrison. Since it is an album with it's best selection concept, so what ever it must be a valuable matter. Some critics say that unfortunately this album consists mostly songs from Beatles era, not from Harrison solo years. *

Track list

1. "Something" – 3:01
2. "If I Needed Someone" – 2:22
3. "Here Comes the Sun" – 3:05
4. "Taxman" – 2:37
5. "Think for Yourself" – 2:18
6. "For You Blue" – 2:31
7. "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" – 4:45
* Tracks 1 - 7 are performed by The Beatles

8. "My Sweet Lord" – 4:38
9. "Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)" – 3:35
10. "You" – 3:41
11. "Bangla Desh" – 3:57
12. "Dark Horse" – 3:53
13. "What Is Life" – 4:17

*) All songs composed by George Harrison
Album: The Best of George Harrison
Producer: Parlopone, 1976

Monday, 18 February 2008

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

When I found this Beatles album in a corner of Makati Cinema Square Manila, 1996, really I did not know that this album is a very special item. Until I read the review from Wikipedia as written below. Unfortunately that I found this long playing naked without it's cover.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is the eighth album by The Beatles. It is often cited as their magnum opus and one of the most influential albums of all time by prominent critics and publications, ranking number 1 on Rolling Stone's The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time in 2003.

Upon release, Sgt. Pepper received both popular and critical acclaim. Various reviews appearing in the mainstream press and trade publications throughout June 1967, immediately after the album's release, were generally quite positive. In The Times, prominent critic Kenneth Tynan described Sgt. Pepper as "a decisive moment in the history of Western civilization." Others including Richard Poirier, and Geoffrey Stokes were similarly expansive in their praise, Stokes noting, "listening to the Sgt. Pepper album one thinks not simply of the history of popular music but the history of this century." Thank God, I have this album.*

Track list:

Side one
1."Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" – 2:04
2."With a Little Help from My Friends" – 2:46
3."Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" – 3:30
4."Getting Better" – 2:49
5."Fixing a Hole" – 2:38
6."She's Leaving Home" – 3:37
7."Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!" – 2:37

Side two
1."Within You Without You" (George Harrison) – 5:07
2."When I'm Sixty-Four" – 2:37
3."Lovely Rita" – 2:44
4."Good Morning Good Morning" – 2:43
5."Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)" – 1:20
6."A Day in the Life" – 5:33

Appreciating Children Songs

Children song is not a sexy business for music industry. While pop music like Kangen-ist is spreading like wild grass, music for children is very rare. We have ever a talented singer Sherina, but she is now a teenager and newly released a teenager-pop-album. Since children songs are rare, actually we have to appreciate every single children-song album. Look at this album, there are at least two songs which have cacthy melodies. Actually, who has to encourage children-song production? Government? May be. Since children-song actually is for education purpose, not merely as matter of business.*

Bubi Chen and His Fabulous Five

This album by the most prominent Indonesian pianist Bubi Chen is noted by Rolling Stone magazine on the end of 2007 as one of 150 Best Indonesian Album. Thank to Rolling Stone magazine, I bought this long play newly on January 2008. Don't imagine that this album is about mainstream jazz, but it is more likely jazz-chachacha playing famous songs composed by non-Indonesian composer. If you are truly jazz lover, you should have this historical album for Indonesia jazz history.*

Track list
Side one:
1. Begin the Beguine (Cole Porter)
2. Sakura (traditional)
3. Perfidia (A. Dominguez)
4. Come Back to Sorriento (De Curtis)
5. Moon River (Mercer-Mancini)
6. The World of Suzie Wong

Side two:
1. Torero (Carosone)
2. To Be or Not to Be (d' Esposito)
3. Bali Hai (Roger Hammerstein II)
4. Nanatsu Noko (traditional)
5. La Paloma (Yradier)
6. Come Back to Me (Martin)

Album: Bubi Chen and His Fabulous Five
Musicians: Bubi Chen (piano), Jack Lemmers (guitar), AT Asni (drums), Sarono (bass), Nien (bamboo)
Producer: Irama Record
Liner note: Wienaktoe
Cover design: Pandji Kamal

Friday, 15 February 2008

Is This Russian Rock

The two images of this album are truly strange. I can not read even one single word from the texts written in the cover. But I think these two albums are produced by Russian musicians. When I bought the albums in a corner of Makati Cinema Theatre Square, a place like Manggadua ITC in Makaty City Manila, 1996, I just bought them without listening before. I am glad that after listening those albums in Bekasi thru my tuntable, the music is such pop-rock-like-Gigi. Quite enjoyable, although not catchy. Is there any one of you can give more information about musicians in above images?*

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Gombloh in Utan Kayu Station

Last night, 13 February 2008, Utan Kayu, one of radio stations in Jakarta, aired a musical talkshow talking and playing track lists of the late singer and composer Gombloh. This man has very unique position in musical map in Indonesia. His contribution in music should be appreciated as well as other composer such as Iwan Fals with his Kantata Takwa and Swami project, or a troubador singer Leo Kristi.

I enjoy that programme, because I can listen to at least 3 songs which I never heard before, such as Siti Jamila (with Viky Vendi), and Sekarmayang (Javanesse version Hongwilaheng). Hearing songs of Gombloh in radio is something strange, since almost radio stations in Jakarta have a same taste to pop-music-like Kangen-iest. Thank to Gigin Praginanto, senior journalist who anchored that programme. *

1. Nadia dan Atmosphere (Golden hand, 1978)
2. Mawar Desa (Golden Hand, 1978)
3. Kadar Bangsaku (Golden Hand, 1979)
4. Pesan Buat Negeriku (Golden Hand, 1980)
5. Terima kasih Indonesiaku (Chandra Recording, 1981)
6. Pesan Buat Kaum Belia (Chandra Recording, 1982)
7. Berita Cuaca (Chandra Recording, 1982)
8. Kami Anak Negeri Ini (Chandra Recording, 1983)
9. Gila (Nirwana, 1983)
10. Setengah Gila (Nirwana, 1984)
11. Semakin Gila (Nirwana, 1986)
12. Apa Itu Tidak Edan (Nirwana, 1987)

*) I have almost all albums of Gombloh, unless Sekar Mayang (Golden Hand, 1981), Kebyar-kebyar (Golden Hand, 1979), and Apel (Nirwana, 1986).

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

The Eclectic Bjork

Bjork is the phenomenon in music history. Her music in all her albums are well crafted as experimental-pop-music. Bjork is musician who can blend sounds from the most advanced musical technology into a fresh-superb-futuristic composition.

Her approach in composing music actually is like Philip Glass with his minimalism, or Laurie Anderson with her multimedia-rock-performance, or Indonesian prominent componist Slamet Abdul Sjukur with his minimax approach as well as his fractal philosophy. But Bjork has her unique and personal approach, that is wild imagination on the canvas of pop music. Welcome to Indonesia on 12 February 2008, my Bjork. *

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Chinesse Happy Birthday Song

English note: From America, Happy Birthday song flies to China. It approved that music could go beyond territories. This album entitled Happy Birthday Music consists of 12 songs, with four of them are four verses of this song, including a song with Hongkong chacha rythm. All songs are played by an traditional orchestra of Chinesse music. Since this longplaying used Chinesse language, some information of this vintage I don't understand. *

The Birthday of Happy Birthday

English note: When was the birthday of Happy Birthday song? Who composed this song? According to Wikipedia, the melody of "Happy Birthday to You" was written by American sisters Patty Hill and Mildred J. Hill in 1893, when they were school teachers in Louisville, Kentucky, at what is now the Little Loomhouse. I have a longplay which may be one of the oldest version of this song. That is album entitled Almost Authentic Folk Songs by Dolan Ellis and The In Group which produced by Reprise, made in USA, 1961. In one song from this album entitled Joe Bean, we can hear last part from the song: "Happy Birthday Joe Bean" ect. In the note describing this song written this sentence: "Folks of the Old West in unprecedented kindness to a young outlaw." *

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Ethnic Folkways Library

English note: Civilized society are very aware to recorded music. This album entitled Music of Indonesia was produced by New Yorker -- hopefuly N.Y.C. means it -- on 1950. This album presented 10 folkrythms from central Java, Sunda, Batak, Minangkabau, and Bali. Those rare music were recorded live from the place and the people who created those music. It's amazing. Thank God that there is foreign producer who recorded those music in the old time when Indonesian people might be not yet aware to do that. *

Abum : Music of Indonesia
Producer : Ethnic Folkways Library, copyright 1950 by Folkways Record & Serv. Corp 117 W 46 St. N.Y.C.
Line Notes: Raden Suwanto
Tracks list:

1. Ile-ile (Batak Music recorded in Sumatra. Sinandang Sipirok Orch., Dir. Rapoesen Batoebara)
2. Tari Piring Sadang Lawas (Plate Dance. Recorded in Minangkabau Sumatra)
3. Tumba Lela-lelan (recorded in Mainangkabau)
4. Bah Motoh (Chorus, drums. Temior music recorded in Malaya at Gill. under Dir. of H.D. Noone, Malaya Advs. Corp.)
5. Udan Liris (Vocal with Ketjapi. Recorded in Sunda)
6. Sorban Palid (Vocal with Ketjapi and Violin. recorded in Sunda)

7. Lagu Babar Lajar (Instrumental. Gamelan, saron, bonang. Recorded in Central Java)
8. Lagu Srihardjono (gamelan, rebab, gender, suling. Recorded in Central Java)
9. Ganda Pura (Djanger-Abijan-Timbul. Instrumental. Gamelan, rebab. Recorded in Bali)
10. Peperangan Sira pandji (Parabangsa-Classic Opera. Recorded in Bali)

Monday, 4 February 2008

Lanny Sisters: Children Song with Adult Taste

English note: In 60-ies, among Indonesian musicians composed the songs for children but with adult taste. This approach makes the songs sounded ridicolous, but that was a success story in Indonesia. This approach makes children songs were enjoyable by adult. This album from Lanny Sisters entitled Bertamasja is a mere example. *

Artist : Lanny Sisters
Album : Bertamasja
Band : Band Zaenal Combo
Producer: Canary and Metropolitan Record, no date
Track list:
1. Binatang Malu-malu (Zakarya)
2. Di Tep SUngai (Jessy Wenas)
3. Bertamasja (Jessy Wenas)
4. Pagi-pagi (Ibu SUd and Nj. R. Soetisno)
5. Hudjan (idem)
6. Kupu-kupu (idem)

7. Komidi Puter (Mus. K. Wirya)
8. AKu Ini Bebas (Tom RS/Tati)
9. Si Lengser (Zainal Arifin)
10. Main Ular-ularan (Ibu SUd and Nj. R. Soetisno)
11. Kue Serabi (Zakarya)
12. Ibu Jang Tertjinta (G. Pakaja)